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St Patrick's Primary School, Newtownstewart

School Uniform

It is important that all children come to school neat and tidy each day. Wearing school uniform promotes our school’s identity and encourages high standards. It provides a sense of belonging for our pupils.

Our schoolwear supplier is J Kemp & Sons, Newtownstewart. (Parents may, of course, buy appropriate navy clothing from other retailers.)

Uniform: Navy trousers or track suit bottoms / skirt / pinafore Navy sweatshirt / sweater / cardigan Blue shirt / blouse

[Please ensure that all items, including footwear, are clearly marked with your child’s name or other identifying mark; especially sweatshirts .]

Children are required to change from outdoor footwear to soft plimsolls / slippers before entering the classroom.

In the interests of Health & Safety the Board of Governors asks:

  1. Mobile phones are not to be taken into school.
  2. On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are plain gold or silver earring studs in pierced ears.
  3. Please note that watches are not considered items of jewellery and may be worn. However, depending on the activity, it may be appropriate for children to be asked to remove their watches on health and safety grounds.  Wrist watches may be worn but only for the purpose of telling the time. ‘Smart’ watches linked to mobile phones or the internet are not permitted.

I would also discourage parents from allowing children to have extreme hairstyles as this can often lead to teasing or bullying. When buying school shoes please consider that P1 and P2 children will find velcro fastenings much easier than laces or buckles